2007-02-19 17:15:16 UTC
This is the email I sent to my repesentatives. If you'll send your
email too, it maybe convince the US Congress/Senate to sponser this
law, regardless of MS lobbying efforts.
Dear Sir,
When I tried to access the Citibank site
https://www.myhomeequity.com/MHE/home.do?sc=0 using my default browser
- Mozilla, I received a message that the only way I can access this
site is by using Microsoft IE. It happens to me with other sites too.
When I use Microsoft IE my computer constantly crashes, so I prefer to
use Mozilla. I also own other computers with Linux, and there is no IE
for Linux. Today the Internet is a standard way for many consumer
products and by forcing consumers to use Microsoft products, it is
like forcing drivers to use Ford cars on some highways.
Please sponser a law that any US comercial Internet site must accept
any Internet browser that adheres to established standards, without
regard of OS or browser maker.
Zalek Bloom
email too, it maybe convince the US Congress/Senate to sponser this
law, regardless of MS lobbying efforts.
Dear Sir,
When I tried to access the Citibank site
https://www.myhomeequity.com/MHE/home.do?sc=0 using my default browser
- Mozilla, I received a message that the only way I can access this
site is by using Microsoft IE. It happens to me with other sites too.
When I use Microsoft IE my computer constantly crashes, so I prefer to
use Mozilla. I also own other computers with Linux, and there is no IE
for Linux. Today the Internet is a standard way for many consumer
products and by forcing consumers to use Microsoft products, it is
like forcing drivers to use Ford cars on some highways.
Please sponser a law that any US comercial Internet site must accept
any Internet browser that adheres to established standards, without
regard of OS or browser maker.
Zalek Bloom